Monday, 7 August 2017

Tomb Raider Chronicles

It might look like I abandoned my blog. Which is true, kind of. No one reads it anyway x) Actually at first I was too busy, and then too lazy to continue posting, considering I still haven't finished the Grandia II series of posts (while the game was completed long ago) and haven't said a word about Grandia.
But this I can't put off anymore, especially since there's important information for me to remember.
So... I started playing Tomb Raider Chronicles :D It's the third time I play the game, and this time that damn glitchy elevator won't stop me! Because I'll save after I get out of there >_>
Important information is the following: don't change the graphic settings (resolution in particular but it's better to leave them as they are), because the game won't launch and even reinstalling it won't give you the chance to change the settings again.
Looks like I missed a few secrets, but hopefully I'll collect most of them. It's more fun not finding all of them yourself than finding all using a walkthrough.
By now I've gone quite a long way and yesterday reached my favourite level, Black Isle, and right now I'm going to continue playing ^_^
The level's kind of scary by itself, and all the more so since you have no weapon to protect yourself.
I don't remember feeling as uneasy during the cutscene before... perhaps because the voice in the English version is so much more... expressive x) But now... wasn't one of those things hanging around in here ^^' I'd better not approach that... is that a well? I'm certain it's hiding behind it. Or in that small barrel... yeah, I knew it -_-