Sunday, 29 November 2015

'We're all mad here'

This will be a really short post as I don't have much free time and I'm not going to have it for a while (I had quite enough time later, but it's still a short post). Even if I had, I don't know yet what I could write about. So, I'll just say: I'm going to play American McGee's Alice for the second time, yay! xD It will be even more interesting this time that I've recently read the books and I remember everything.
This time I chose normal difficulty level, and it feels... I hardly made it in some places. But it's got more enthralling.
Still difficulty in this game is not quite balanced, sometimes it's easier, sometimes harder, sometimes there's too much meta-essence around, not that it's bad, but I like to collect things and I'm sorry to leave it behind x)
Having finished the game, I realized something: last time I played I somehow skipped the final cutscene. It seemed to end so abruptly, and now I understand why xD
It was nice to see Wonderland restored and Alice leaving the asylum.
Next time I think I'll stay on normal difficulty, Jabberwocky wasn't easy to defeat both times. It's one of those cases when the final boss is easier. 

Monday, 16 November 2015

Final Fantasy I diary

(about two weeks ago)
I found the very first Final Fantasy and started playing it on my NES emulator, and it's still fun xD Quite difficult, though, but I was expecting that having read a review. Mostly it's difficult because I hardly have money for anything, and that's the point, to win using limited resources (or so it was in the review). I just hope that by levelling up, I don't spend more than I earn. It's still easier than it should be, because I can save at any time, not only at the inn (which also requires 30G as health and magic is restored at the same time).
It's also unusual that you can give names to everyone in your party.

I've played for a few hours now, and it only gets more interesting. Fortunately, looks like I'm not one of the "spoilt" modern gamers, vice versa, I mostly play old games. Plus I haven't played any other FF games, and it's as new to me as it was to anyone in the beginning of the 90s.
Man, this game's older than me xD

It would be too boring to wait until my party's level is 4, so I ventured to go further. Today I've defeated the first boss. I didn't expect I would, though, but it turned out to be quite possible (a ghoul with its paralyzing attacks is much worse). But it wasn't all, I had yet to get back to the town, and that was harsh... but I managed :D I wouldn't if it wasn't for a tent I had bought earlier. Only Rain (Black Belt) died and (revived) now lags behind the others in experience a bit, but it was worth it.
(funny enough, later I found out that if I went a little further, there would be no need to go back myself; and now they all level up at different time)

By now we've visited Matoya's cave, been to Pravoka, got a ship, visited dwarves and elves... current level: 8.

Returned to FFI. It might be for one day only, though... first I had to remember the controls, it wasn't hard as I do most of it automatically. Then I decided to write down what the names of spells mean, because it's hard to remember when they're limited to 4 letters. And now I'm thinking where to go next. I have the map of the world, and I'll begin by indicating places I've been to. This game would be much more difficult if I had to draw the map myself and guess what each magic does. But it's exciting enough for me already. I'm not sure if I'll play it again in the future, so I'd like to make as few mistakes as possible.

After I went on another scout to the Cave of Marsh and was going back, I encountered 4 Geists. Wtf are they doing in the forest? My party was already worn out by that time, and after unsuccessful attempts to avoid meeting them (not to speak of winning), somehow they managed to run away.

Having played two NES games, a typical one (like Tiny Toon Adventures) and a typical JRPG (like Final Fantasy), I find the latter very relaxing (except for when my party's getting low on HP): you just give commands and wait. And the former requires so much effort and concentration that my heart's racing while and after I get through especially difficult parts.